On July 18 to 20,JNS has been recertifying for compliance with the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9001, 14001, and OHSAS18001 standards for quality management systems, environmental management, and occupational health and safety management systems respectively.
This certification, from the Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited (LR), demonstrates JNS focus on providing quality, environmentally friendly, secure services to its customers, while ensuring a healthy and safe work environment for all its employees. The certification process involved an audit of JNS’ offices and its complete management systems by a team of external auditors.
The three reaccreditations, demonstrate our compliance with the ISO standards that are necessary to upholding the highest standards across our business. Obtaining ISO certification for vital functions of our business validates our commitment to excellence as a company and also sets us apart from other companies in our sector, demonstrating our ongoing drive to continually review and update our practices.